
Web development

10 Most Frequently Asked Questions During Website Development

Filip Hrkać

Web designer

In the dynamic digital landscape of today, crafting a website stands as the cornerstone of a triumphant business venture, serving as the virtual face of your company or trade. Irrespective of whether you are an individual, a startup, or a corporate entity, comprehending the intricacies and pivotal aspects entailed in website construction holds paramount significance. This article aims to elucidate the pivotal facets, ensuring your confidence and enlightenment throughout this transformative journey.

  1. Timeframe: The inception of a website is an artistic journey, yet with meticulous planning, we typically require about 3 weeks to forge the initial website version, drawing inspiration from the materials you provide. This preliminary rendition affords you a glimpse of the foundational design and structure.
  2. Crafting Process: Our methodology for crafting is rooted in collaboration. We initiate by furnishing you with a comprehensive questionnaire, a pivotal tool that facilitates an in-depth grasp of your requisites, aspirations, and aesthetic inclinations. Subsequently, we embark on sculpting the architecture and design. Around the 3-week mark, we unveil the maiden design iteration, inviting your insights to synergize the design with your vision.
  3. Pricing Insight: The pricing spectrum for website creation is contingent upon a constellation of variables. For static websites, the range spans from 700 to 1,000 euros, while for e-commerce platforms, the scope varies between 1,300 to 2,000 euros. It’s noteworthy that these figures encapsulate averages. A medley of factors, encompassing added functionalities and design nuances, can influence the cost. We recommend direct engagement to facilitate a tailored pricing assessment.
  4. Mobile Responsiveness: Undoubtedly. Every project we undertake is meticulously tailored to foster mobile responsiveness, a cardinal criterion, as more than 70% of website traffic emanates from mobile devices. We ensure seamless functionality across the entire gamut of devices, encompassing smartphones, tablets, and computer screens.
  5. Ensuring Site Security: Safeguarding is paramount. Alongside periodic updates, we integrate SSL certificates to enshroud communications between users and your website in a veil of encryption. This fortifies the shield for sensitive data and augments visitor trust.
  6. Securing Search Engine Visibility: Augmenting visibility on search engines necessitates a strategic blueprint, spanning website optimization, content calibration aligned with pertinent keywords in your sector, and the cultivation of germane external links. Our team harnesses cutting-edge techniques to augment your site’s search engine presence.
  7. System Integration: Indeed, without a doubt. Our projects often encompass integration with an array of tools and systems, encompassing CRM and email systems. This harmonization facilitates the consolidation of data and communication management.
  8. Sustaining Changes and Support: The continuance of alterations and support is a tenet we hold in high regard. We remain at your disposal, primed to assist whenever required. Following launch, you retain the option to personally enact modifications or enlist our expertise to manage all requisite adaptations.
  9. Refund Policy: Your reassurance is paramount. In the unlikely event of dissatisfaction, we guarantee a comprehensive refund.
  10. Self-Managed Updates: Absolutely! Our projects frequently incorporate an intuitive content management system (CMS), affording you seamless autonomy to update the website, infuse fresh content, and more.

Embarking with nearly a century’s worth of completed projects under our belt, we acutely recognize the significance of each phase in website creation. With the assurance that every query and concern is catered to comprehensively, your online presence shall be firmly established, poised for triumph. Should you require further elucidation or additional details, we extend an open invitation to reach out to us. We eagerly anticipate the prospects of collaboration!